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Sims Stories & Screenshots - SSS
Sfekke22 Admin
11 posts
6 topics
IGN: Sfekke22
over 2 years ago

Because The Sims can be such a .. wacky experience I thought it'd be fun to share some of the fun people have had!

Feel free to reply with screenshots, stories & more!
Don't take this category too serious, it's mostly an excuse for me to post pictures of my sims..

Just like in this gem were Brian broke his hand. 😎

Sfekke22 Admin
11 posts
6 topics
IGN: Sfekke22
over 2 years ago

Oliver lighting himself on fire.. in his swim-trunks nonetheless .. 😅

Oliver in heat c:

Sfekke22 Admin
11 posts
6 topics
IGN: Sfekke22
over 2 years ago

Simply can't get over his absolute smugness riding this chopper 🤣
